Media statements and releases on Reconciliation Australia's programs and projects, and on relevant national issues.

Cairns to star in National Reconciliation Week launch
National Reconciliation Week to be be launched concurrently in Cairns and Melbourne with celebrations to be streamed live.

National Sorry Day bridge walk Canberra
Canberrans join together to walk across Commonwealth Avenue Bridge days out from National Sorry Day anniversary.

Reconciliation – Victorian legal profession shows the way
Relationships continue to grow between Aboriginal communities and key Victorian law firms.

Government maintains commitment to reconciliation
Government continues support of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples in the form of $15 million over three years.

National Reconciliation Week: What will you do?
Australians of good-will urged to organise events to build community cohesion with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

Constitutional change in South Australia
South Australian Constitution passed by the South Australia Parliament officially acknowledges Aboriginal people.

Election Statement 2013
Calls for political leaders to prioritise reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians.

Everybody’s Business
Step-by-step guide released for managers and supervisors who are hiring and retaining Indigenous staff.

We need to celebrate success
Reconciliation Action Plan Showcase highlights the critical successes achieved by the community and partners.