Media statements and releases on Reconciliation Australia's programs and projects, and on relevant national issues.

Deaths in custody: Action on justice needed
Learn what actions you can take for the 30th anniversary of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody’s final report release.

Statement on Telstra’s Reconciliation Action Plan
In November 2020 Reconciliation Australia initiated an investigation of Telstra’s Elevate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

Response re Woolworths Group Reconciliation Action Plan
Response to concerned organisations and individuals regarding the proposed Dan Murphy’s store in Darwin.

National Reconciliation in Education Awards 2021
Applications now open for the third Narragunnawali Awards recognising commitment to reconciliation in education.

Victorian truth-telling process a critical step towards reconciliation
Reconciliation Australia welcomes the announcement to progress truth and justice in Victoria through a formal truth-telling process.

Statement on Rio Tinto
Reconciliation Australia’s statement on Rio Tinto’s blasting activity in Juukan Gorge.

National Reconciliation Week 2020: Online and ongoing
The 2020 National Reconciliation Week theme reminds us that whether in a crisis or in reconciliation, we are all in this together.

2020 National Reconciliation Week theme announced
Reconciliation Australia today announced the theme for National Reconciliation Week (NRW) 2020 is ‘In This Together’.

Winners of Narragunnawali Awards 2019 announced
The Narragunnawali: Reconciliation in Education program is proud to announce the winners of the 2019 Narragunnawali Awards.