Read our main research reports, organisational reports, Reconciliation News magazine, and other publications.

Reconciliation News September 2015
This edition of Reconciliation News shines a light on the great work organisations and individuals are doing to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

2015 RAP Impact Report
The Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) program contributes to achieving reconciliation by developing relationships, respect and opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In 2015, we captured data from 459 RAP organisations.

Workplace RAP Barometer 2014
The second Workplace RAP Barometer results have been tracked (where possible) against results from 2012, and also compared with relevant results from the Australian Reconciliation Barometer.

2014 Australian Reconciliation Barometer
The fourth edition of the Barometer shows the vast majority of Australians believe the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians is important.

Reconciliation News April 2015
This issue of Reconciliation News celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ contribution to our nation’s military efforts—by bringing together a collection of stories spanning 100 years.

Reconciliation News December 2014
This issue of Reconciliation News celebrates the 10 year partnership of the Indigenous Governance Awards with BHP Billiton