Read our main research reports, organisational reports, Reconciliation News magazine, and other publications.

2014 RAP Impact Report
To monitor and ensure the RAP program remains effective, RAP organisations to report annually on their performance against key RAP targets such as partnerships, employment and procurement. We use this data to track and measure the broader impact of the RAP program.

Reconciliation News September 2014
In this education-themed edition of Reconciliation News we farewell Leah Armstrong who will be stepping down after four amazing years as CEO of Reconciliation Australia.

Reconciliation News May 2014
This edition reflects on the National Reconciliation Week theme, Let’s walk the talk, an open invitation to everyone to turn their good intentions into action

Reconciliation News December 2013
We’ve devoted this edition of Reconciliation News to the arts

Reconciliation News August 2013
In this edition, we reflect on Australia’s journey to Recognition, towards the day when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are recognised in the Constitution.

Reconciliation News April 2013
In this issue of Reconciliation News, we look at just how young people are becoming an integral part of reconciliation.