Read our main research reports, organisational reports, Reconciliation News magazine, and other publications.

Let’s Talk…Sorry Day
May 26 is Sorry Day, a time to reflect on the past policies of forced child removal and the painful stories of the Stolen Generations. Let's talk Sorry Day, the resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the power in saying Sorry.

Reconciliation News May 2019
This edition of Reconciliation News explores the growing calls for a process of truth telling in Australia; a process where, for the first time, all Australians might collectively face and acknowledge the horrifying brutality of modern Australia’s history.

2018 RAP Impact Report
This report explores the impact of the RAP community during the July 2017 – June 2018 reporting period. For this report, Reconciliation Australia collected data from over 600 RAP organisations through an online questionnaire.

Let’s Talk…Languages
Language is an important vessel for transmitting knowledge, history and culture and for thousands of years, hundreds of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages have been spoken across. We reflect on the significance of Language and how the revival of First Nations Languages is essential to reconciliation.

Indigenous Governance Awards 2018 Booklet
Reconciliation Australia, the BHP Foundation and the Australian Institute of Indigenous Governance congratulate this year’s finalists.

Reconciliation News October 2018
This edition focuses on self determination, and some of the great work being done by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations to advance reconciliation.