Read key research reports from Reconciliation Australia including the Australian Reconciliation Barometer; Workplace RAP Barometer; The State of Reconciliation in Australia Report; and the RAP Impact Measurement Report.

2017 RAP Impact Report
The RAP Impact Measurement Report highlights the achievements of the RAP community during the reporting period July 2016 – June 2017. This report documents the collective impact that RAPs are making towards achieving a reconciled Australia.

2016 RAP Impact Report
The 2016 RAP Impact Report report presents the impact of Reconciliation Australia’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) program for the reporting period July 2015—June 2016. 2016 marks the tenth year of the program. For this report, we captured data from 343 RAP organisations.

Workplace RAP Barometer 2016
This report shows that overall, there have been upward trends in reconciliation attitudes and perceptions.

2016 Australian Reconciliation Barometer
This report tells us that an increasing number of Australians are proud of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and believe these cultures are important to Australia’s identity as a nation.

2016 State of Reconciliation in Australia
The report analyses how far we have come as a nation and the continued challenges that we face on the reconciliation journey.

2015 RAP Impact Report
The Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) program contributes to achieving reconciliation by developing relationships, respect and opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In 2015, we captured data from 459 RAP organisations.