Read key research reports from Reconciliation Australia including the Australian Reconciliation Barometer; Workplace RAP Barometer; The State of Reconciliation in Australia Report; and the RAP Impact Measurement Report.

Workplace RAP Barometer 2014
The second Workplace RAP Barometer results have been tracked (where possible) against results from 2012, and also compared with relevant results from the Australian Reconciliation Barometer.

2014 Australian Reconciliation Barometer
The fourth edition of the Barometer shows the vast majority of Australians believe the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians is important.

2014 RAP Impact Report
To monitor and ensure the RAP program remains effective, RAP organisations to report annually on their performance against key RAP targets such as partnerships, employment and procurement. We use this data to track and measure the broader impact of the RAP program.

2012 Australian Reconciliation Barometer
This 2012 edition is the third Barometer, following the initial two studies in 2008 and 2010. The Barometer provides a unique insight into the characteristics that make up our national self-image and goes further to examine how the overall national image compares with the image of Indigenous Australia.

2010 Australian Reconciliation Barometer
In the 2010 Barometer additional questions were added, which examined the role that business should take in promoting reconciliation and addressing Indigenous disadvantage.