The RAP process

Developing a Reconciliation Action Plan is a journey and a collaborative partnership with Reconciliation Australia. Understand what you can expect at each step of the process.

Before you start

The first step is to understand if a RAP is right for your organisation. While everyone can take substantial action for reconciliation, RAPs are specifically designed for workplaces.

To develop a RAP your organisation must be a workplace, have employees, and have operations in Australia, among other prerequisites.

Please read this factsheet to make sure your organisation can start a RAP.

Attend our free Information Webinar to learn more about the purpose of RAPs and the process of RAP development from registration to receiving an endorsed RAP.

If you represent a school or early learning service, please visit our Narragunnawali: Reconciliation in Education platform, to develop and implement a RAP for these education settings.

Stage 1: Registration

When you are ready to begin developing a RAP, you will commence registration.

You will be asked to provide detailed information about your organisation, as well as pay the RAP development fee.

The RAP development fee is scaled according to the organisation’s annual revenue:

RAP development fees enable our team to provide quality support and resources, ensuring a comprehensive and effective experience as you progress through your RAP journey.

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisations who wish to develop a RAP are not charged a fee.

Stage 2: Drafting your RAP

Draft your RAP using the templates and resources provided on registration, and in consultation with your stakeholders.

The RAP templates contain minimum required actions and deliverables. The resources provided ensure that your draft RAP meets Reconciliation Australia’s standards for endorsement.

After completing your first draft RAP, you will submit it via the RAP portal for review. Your draft will then be with our team awaiting review and feedback.

Timeframes and feedback

Once you have submitted a RAP, a RAP Officer at Reconciliation Australia will then review your document in line with the RAP requirements. They will then provide you with strategic feedback.

You should expect a minimum of two to three rounds of feedback.

Reconciliation Australia reviews each draft on a standard time frame of four weeks.

You have the option of arranging a time to meet with your RAP Officer to clarify the feedback.

After the review process Reconciliation Australia will progress your RAP to endorsement.

Stage 3: Conditional Endorsement

This is when the written content of your RAP is approved, and you are provided with the RAP logo to include in the final plan.When your designed RAP is finished, upload the final PDF via the RAP portal.

Stage 4: Formal endorsement

Reconciliation Australia will then formally endorse your RAP, approving the final designed document and publishing your plan on the Reconciliation Australia website.

Once you have received formal endorsement, your RAP is now a public commitment and your organisation is recognised as a member of the RAP network.

You can then share and promote your RAP externally.

It is important to remember that while developing a RAP is key to formalising your organisation’s commitment to reconciliation, implementation and continuous improvement are essential to turn your good intentions into action.

Paul House with gum leaves and smoke
Paul Girrawah House

Paul Girrawah House has multiple First Nation ancestries from the South-East Canberra region, including the Ngambri-Ngurmal (Walgalu), Pajong (Gundungurra), Wallabollooa (Ngunnawal) and Erambie/Brungle (Wiradyuri) family groups.

Paul acknowledges his diverse First Nation history, he particularly identifies as a descendant of Onyong aka Jindoomang from Weereewaa (Lake George) and Henry ‘Black Harry’ Williams from Namadgi who were both multilingual, essentially Walgalu-Ngunnawal-Wiradjuri speaking warriors and Ngunnawal–Wallaballooa man William Lane aka ‘Billy the Bull’ - Murrjinille.

Paul was born at the old Canberra hospital in the centre of his ancestral country and strongly acknowledges his First Nation matriarch ancestors, in particular his mother Dr Aunty Matilda House-Williams and grandmother, Ms Pearl Simpson-Wedge.

Paul completed a Bachelor of Community Management from Macquarie University, and Graduate Certificate in Wiradjuri Language, Culture and Heritage and Management from CSU.

Paul provided the Welcome to Country for the 47th Opening of Federal Parliament in 2022. Paul is Board Director, Ngambri Local Aboriginal Land Council, Member Indigenous Reference Group, National Museum of Australia and Australian Government Voice Referendum Engagement Group.  

Paul works on country with the ANU, First Nations Portfolio as a Senior Community Engagement Officer

Acknowledgement of Country

Reconciliation Australia acknowledges Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and recognises the continuing  connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past and present. 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website contains images or names of people who have passed away.

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