Vale Aunty Shirley Peisley AM

Reconciliation Australia mourns the passing of another legend of the Aboriginal resistance.

Australia has lost another giant of the movement for reconciliation and First Nations justice with the passing of Aunty Shirley Peisley AM.

An Elder of the Ngarrindjeri / Boandik peoples Aunty Shirley was a decades-long campaigner. As a 25 year-old she joined the campaign for a Yes vote in the successful 1967 and became arguably one of the campaign’s key leaders.

Described as a trailblazer for her tireless efforts to win justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, she was convinced of the importance of building personal relationships between First Nations people and other Australians, and became a strong advocate for the reconciliation movement.

She was Co-Chair of the City of Adelaide Reconciliation Committee (2002-2005), formed in 2002 with goals to advance reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Islander peoples and the wider city community.

Reconciliation Australia CEO, Karen Mundine said Aunty Shirley was a determined and loving woman with a contagious sense of humour and a huge heart.

“She was an incredible fighter and a mentor to me and many others who followed in her footsteps,” said Karen Mundine. “The last time I spoke with her was at the funeral of another giant South Australian Aboriginal woman, the great Lowitja O’Donoghue. I remember Aunty Shirley was as fiery as ever. She will be enormously missed.”

Aunty Shirley leaves a large family and Reconciliation Australia sends our deepest condolences to her children, grandchildren and other members of her family and her countless friends.

Vale Aunty Shirley Peisley.

Paul House with gum leaves and smoke
Paul Girrawah House

Paul Girrawah House has multiple First Nation ancestries from the South-East Canberra region, including the Ngambri-Ngurmal (Walgalu), Pajong (Gundungurra), Wallabollooa (Ngunnawal) and Erambie/Brungle (Wiradyuri) family groups.

Paul acknowledges his diverse First Nation history, he particularly identifies as a descendant of Onyong aka Jindoomang from Weereewaa (Lake George) and Henry ‘Black Harry’ Williams from Namadgi who were both multilingual, essentially Walgalu-Ngunnawal-Wiradjuri speaking warriors and Ngunnawal–Wallaballooa man William Lane aka ‘Billy the Bull’ - Murrjinille.

Paul was born at the old Canberra hospital in the centre of his ancestral country and strongly acknowledges his First Nation matriarch ancestors, in particular his mother Dr Aunty Matilda House-Williams and grandmother, Ms Pearl Simpson-Wedge.

Paul completed a Bachelor of Community Management from Macquarie University, and Graduate Certificate in Wiradjuri Language, Culture and Heritage and Management from CSU.

Paul provided the Welcome to Country for the 47th Opening of Federal Parliament in 2022. Paul is Board Director, Ngambri Local Aboriginal Land Council, Member Indigenous Reference Group, National Museum of Australia and Australian Government Voice Referendum Engagement Group.  

Paul works on country with the ANU, First Nations Portfolio as a Senior Community Engagement Officer

Acknowledgement of Country

Reconciliation Australia acknowledges Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and recognises the continuing  connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past and present. 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website contains images or names of people who have passed away.

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